Monday 1 September 2014

Mobile apps could be abused to make expensive phone calls : Mobile applications often don't warn users before a call is made, which a developer says could be misused

A security precaution skipped in mobile applications such as Facebook's Messenger could be abused to make an expensive phone call at a victim's expense, a developer contends.

Phone numbers often appear as links on a mobile device. That is possible by using a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) scheme called "tel" to trigger a call.

URI schemes are a large family of descriptions that can tell a computer where to go for a certain resource, such as launching a mail application when an email address is clicked.

Andrei Neculaesei, a full-stack developer with the wireless streaming company Airtame in Copenhagen, contends there's a risk in how most native mobile applications handle phone numbers.

If a person clicks on a phone number within Apple's mobile Safari browser, a pop-up asks if a person wants to proceed with a call.

But many native mobile applications, including Facebook's Messenger and Google's +, will go ahead and make the call without asking, Neculaesei wrote on his blog.

Mobile apps can be configured to display a warning, but on most applications it's turned off, Neculaesei said via email on Thursday.

He found a malicious way to abuse the behavior. He created a Web page containing JavaScript that caused a mobile application to trigger a call after someone merely viewed the page. The JavaScript automatically launches the phone number's URI when the page is opened.

A demonstration on his blog showed how a malicious link, sent through Facebook's Messenger, will launch a call when viewed. Neculaesei wrote that someone could create a link that when viewed immediately launches a call to a premium-rate number, which the attacker gets the revenue from.

His testing found that Facebook's Messenger app, Apple's Facetime, Google's Gmail, and Google + applications do not warn users before launching a call.

A Facebook spokeswoman said Friday its mobile application would be updated soon to fix the issue. Google couldn't be immediately reached for comment.

Neculaesei wrote that he only tested a few big-name apps, but it's probable that smaller teams and platforms haven't thought about the risk either.

Neculaesei's finding dovetails with research presented earlier this month at the Bsides security conference in Las Vegas.

U.S. warns 'significant number' of major businesses hit by Backoff malware : Backoff malware is stealing credit card details, according to a cyber security alert

Over a thousand major enterprise networks and small and medium businesses in the U.S. have been compromised by a recently discovered malware package called "Backoff" and are probably unaware of it, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said in a cybersecurity alert on Friday.

Backoff first appeared in October 2013 and is capable of scraping the memory contents of point of sales systems -- industry speak for cash registers and other terminals used at store checkouts -- for data swiped from credit cards, from monitoring the keyboard and logging keystrokes, from communicating with a remote server.

"Over the past year, the Secret Service has responded to network intrusions at numerous businesses throughout the United States that have been impacted by the "Backoff" malware," the alert said. "Seven PoS system providers/vendors have confirmed that they have had multiple clients affected."

The malware is thought to be responsible for the recent data breaches at Target, SuperValu supermarkets, and UPS stores, and the Secret Service is still learning of new infections.

DHS first warned of Backoff in late July, when it noted the malware was not detectable my most antivirus software. That made it particularly difficult to stop, because much of the fight against computer viruses and malware rests on antivirus applications.

Most antivirus packages now detect Backoff, but DHS is advising network operators take immediate action to ensure they haven't been affected.

"DHS strongly recommends actively contacting your IT team, antivirus vendor, managed service provider, and/or point of sale system vendor to assess whether your assets may be vulnerable and/or compromised," it said. "The Secret Service is active in contacting impacted businesses, as they are identified, and continues to work with and support those businesses that have been impacted by this PoS malware."

In many cases, hackers gained access to machines through brute-force attacks on remote log-in systems offered through companies like Microsoft, Apple and Google and other third-party vendors. Once inside, they were able to copy the malware to the machine and set it capturing credit card data.

The DHS asked that instances of it are reported to a local Secret Service field office.

The Target data breach was one of the largest in recent memory, resulting in tens of millions of credit and debit cards being compromised. In the last couple of weeks, SuperValu said that at least 180 of its stores had been hit by a data breach and earlier this week UPS said 51 of it UPS Store locations had been hit.